Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lauren's short program report - Synchro International London

“Synchro in the City” International Synchronized Skating Competition – London Ontario
Short Programs: Dec 28 2011
The event began with a well executed instructional video about the judging system. There were video explanations of the elements, technical score, and program components. Well done!

Unfortunately they then showed the awful video featuring synchro girls putting on make-up which characterizes our sport as a bit too superficial if you ask me. Anyway – we were there for the skating and so here are my impressions (note, I didn’t see the practices and so I was only able to see each program once and have limited notes).

NB – Music was far too quiet....Distractingly so in my opinion.  I hope it’s louder tomorrow. Also, weak crowd attendance and enthusiasm. I thought “we” offered only a lukewarm reception to these teams who sacrificed their holiday season to travel & compete this early in the season.  It was strange.

In order of appearance:

Fusion  CANADA - I missed seeing their music on big screen..something Arabic? Black dresses with purple sash
     ·          Collision during triangle pass
     ·          Loss of unison during end of block pivot – I’m not sure everyone completed all the turns
     ·          15.43 technical + 22.24 program comp = 37.67

Rockettes FINLAND – lounge, swinging type music (again, I missed seeing it on the screen). Great purple, pink dresses with black gloves)
·         Triangle pass was so slow – but I guess this is what you need for the 1st GOE bullet point this year
·         Unfortunate fall during moves in the field
·         Tidy and polished
·         26.57 technical + 34.26 program component (- fall) = 59.83

NEXXICE CANADA – I again missed the actual theme...something tribal, wearing last year’s free program dresses
  • Their triangle pass was noticeably faster than Rockettes’
  • Strong block pivot I thought (in terms of control/speed/line-up)
  • Unfortunate fall at very end of no-hold block
  • 26.37 + 31.92 (-fall) = 57.29
Paradise RUSSIA – Hallelujah with really sparkly light blue dresses (and “shiny tights”)
  • AMAZING change of edge spirals and crotch shots (135). I see they were appropriately rewarded by judges. Such amazing flexibility and strength! They should put on clinics for this element
  • I thought their musicality was quiet good – they interpreted the nuances of the music really well and were very elegant
  • Slow triangle pass
  • 30.77+ 30.06 = 60.83
Supremes CANADA – “Ne me quite pas” – a French song. Beautiful faded black/grey dress with pink underskirt
  • Nice variation on leg position during twizzles in circle
  • Poor line-up during no-hold block
  • Awkward entry into triangle pass (it looks quite forced to create the correct entry angles)
  • Really nice spread eagles
  • 27.07 + 30.80 = 57.87
Hayden USA – “Dancing with Muse”...not sure how to describe the theme. Very sparkly orange/ rusty/ burgundy dresses with flattering satin-like skirts.
  • Nice hand switch on 135 spirals
  • Quite tidy for this time of year
  • 27.60 + 33.42 = 61.02 (and they were THRILLED with this 1st place result). Well done!
Ice Messengers JAPAN – Josh Groban ‘You Raise me Up”. Understated/ plain silver and white dresses that could have used a little something something. They didn’t have enough presence to pull off such a simple dress
·         Very long entry edge into block pivot and scattered exit
·         Average intersection
·         They looked timid out there
·         16.42 + 24.68 = 41.10

Crystallettes USA – “Footloose” pretty purple with pink dresses
  • They performed a unique spiral element (backwards change of position, when everyone else did forward change of edge)
  • Poor shape on pinwheel (1st shape not straight at all)
  • Good energy
  • 16.83 + 27.08 = 43.91
Hayden - current leaders: photo credit to @eelinpaas

Over and out for now....will report on free programs after tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. I would have LOVED to sit with you so that you could have pointed those things out while when they went off the ice :)
