Saturday, July 16, 2011

Undies, Classical Music, and Swimming

Underwear Affair
Last weekend Marc and I volunteered at the Underwear Affair as marshals at one of the water stations. It wasn't very hard work, and we had a lot of fun. In case you are unfamiliar, the run is a fund-raiser for cancers below the waist, and most participants dress up in their undies. I recommend getting involved if you can.

Vancouver 125
This year is Vancouver's 125th birthday, and there seems to be all sorts of activities happening throughout the year. We were lucky enough to take in some fun at a free festival in Stanley Park. We walked (5km) there, and while at the festival we got FREE chocolate milk, and bought some yummy kettle corn (I packed the rest of the lunch). I was really happy that we got to see the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra play - they were fantastic (and normally their concerts are pretty darn expensive). They played classical pieces that they knew the crowd would recognize like: William Tell Overture, Blue Danube Waltz, Ride of the Valkyries and so on. There were tons of people there, but it was pretty chill! It was a GREAT afternoon.

So I have been doing some swimming lately at a nearby pool. It takes me about 45mins to swim 12 lengths. "What the what?!", you think to yourself. Well, hang on a minute, cause this pool is gigantic!  I asked the lifeguard for a benchmark number of lengths to swim, and he said that if I swam 12 lengths it would be 1 mile of swimming. So that is what I did. I swam 12 lengths which is: 1800 yards, or 1644 metres. It's such a neat place to swim - and the best part is - it's just a few blocks from home. As you can see, it borders the ocean, and just to the left of the pool is the famous Kitsilano Beach. Also, it's a salt water heated pool - so even when it's raining outside, it's fairly warm for swimming.

This weekend Marc is at Camp, and I am doing some volunteering at the Vancouver Folk Festival - despite the rain, it has been pretty fun so far. Over and out for now! 

1 comment:

  1. You and Marc really rocked the underwears!
