I have moved back to Vancouver to live with Marc and while I've only been here a week - it's already been an adventure. First, trying to pack everything that I would want in two suitcases was CHALLENGING! I managed to get it all here (well, I have to admit - that I also sent 5 boxes), and it's all here, unpacked, and folded on a GORM Ikea shelving unit.
Okay, so I also have two drawers (one for undies/ lady-bras, and one for socks) - but seriously: this is very minimalist for me. The thing is, I don't really want to accumulate more things here however, as then it will be the same challenge when trying to move out. For those out here in BC - be prepared to see me wearing the same clothes all the time :)
I just spent a few days with Marc out at his camp. It's Camp Potlatch and is through the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Vancouver. It's a beautiful boat-access-only camp located in Howe Sound. While riding the boat, we saw several seals, and a mother bear and two small cubs (adorable!). Right in the middle of camp is a family of deer. Especially cute is a mother with a VERY small fawn. The baby deer is the size of little dog....I've never seen such a little deer.
We're still not sure what kind of adventures the long weekend will bring - but it's great to be back living in the same postal code.